

My God will always provide.

Sometimes it's the financial freedom to be able to say "yes".

Sometimes it's the self control to say "no".

Sometimes it's the patience to wait.

Sometimes it's the wisdom, tho begrudging, to see that a "need" is actually just a "want".

Sometimes it's an amazing store sale, craigslist deal, garage sale find etc.

Sometimes it's the contentment to joyfully accept my present situation.

Sometimes it's the brain storm to see how I can better utilize what I already have.

Sometimes it's a gift or thoughtful gesture from a friend or even a stranger.

Sometimes it's a Word of love from Himself that reminds me how blessed beyond measure I already am.

Sometimes it's the recognition of need in someone else's life that helps me see beyond my own situation.

Sometimes it's a coupon for my favorite brand.

Sometimes it's the perspective to understand what real value is.

Sometimes it's the creativity to make or re-purpose something to meet my need.

Sometimes it's peace that passes all understanding, keeping/guarding my heart and mind through Jesus Christ.

Sometimes it's the lyrics of a hymn or song that pop into my head at just the right time
"Stayed upon Jehovah/ hearts are fully blessed/finding as He promised/perfect peace and rest"

Whatever the situation, my God is so wise, so powerful and so creative. It may not be the answer I was looking for, but He is always providing for me!

Jehovah-jireh, the Lord Who Provides, literally, the Lord Who Sees, sees beyond the need that I am experiencing. Each and every situation is an opportunity to help me realize my true dependence on Him, His true love for me, and a way to draw me closer to Himself, and to make me more like His Son.
And that, really, is all I need.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully and perfectly put! He is our provider and from His portion we are fed, clothed and sheltered. Thank you for these lovely words of wisdom!
